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Profile picture of Nicolaas Matthijs
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Last updated Dec 8, 2017 - 6:03 PM Visible also to unregistered users
# Ally 1.12 Permissions One of the features in the upcoming Ally 1.12 release (scheduled for Friday December 8) is the ability for Ally to post provided alternative text for images back to the LMS (where possible). In order to support this feature, the Ally REST API token will require some additional permissions from the Learning Management System: ## Blackboard Learn Ally requires the "Course/Organization (Content Areas) > Edit Materials" permission to support the above feature: ### SaaS Hosted and Managed Hosted No action is required. The implementation team you are/have been working with will be making this change. ### Self-Hosted The implementation team will be reaching out with documentation on how to make this permission change and will provide support where required. ## Canvas The implementation team will be reaching out with documentation on how to make the permission change and will provide support where required. Next to this, we will also be requesting that you send a message to your Canvas CSM to allow Instructure to send additional Live Events to Ally (new WYSIWYG content, updated WYSIWYG content, deleted WYSIWYG content). This will be required for an upcoming feature to allow Ally to process WYSIWYG content.