July 22, 2020 (11:00 AM - 11:40 AM)
**The Practical Bluffers Guide to Blackboard Theme Accessibility**
Relevant to: Blackboard Learn Original Experience. Self/Managed Hosted or SaaS deployment. With the rapid move to online teaching in the current climate of COVID-19, ensuring equitable access to our learning environment has never been more important. When we customise the Blackboard theme (original experience) to align it with our institutional colours, we must consider accessibility. Based on my own experience at the University of Southampton (in the UK) I will share practical lessons and recommendations, of how to ensure your theme customisation comply with web content accessibility guidelines. I do recommend that you watch my earlier presentation "The Bluffer's Guide to Customising the Blackboard Responsive Theme" before attending: [https://youtu.be/R7Apm_K2808](oembed:https://youtu.be/R7Apm_K2808) Doing so will help you to get the most out of this first "Bluffer's Guide" delivered at Bb World.