Profile picture of Nicolaas Matthijs
Release Notes · ·
Last updated Feb 7, 2020 - 9:52 AM Visible also to unregistered users
# Known Issue: Configuration UI We have been able to confirm that there is currently a bug in the \`Courses\` tab of the Ally Configuration UI. This bug causes the Configuration UI to show courses that should have Ally enabled as being disabled. Our development team has identified that this is a bug in the caching layer between the database and the Configuration UI, which therefore only affects the display of the Configuration UI. The actual configuration in the Ally database is still correct and Ally should still be enabled for the expected courses. Our development team is working on this with the highest priority and we are expecting a hot fix for this issue to be rolled out later today. Any updates will be posted to this thread. Thanks to all of you that swiftly reported this issue!