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Release Notes · ·
Last updated Feb 8, 2019 - 12:03 AM Visible also to unregistered users
# Ally 1.24 (January 28, 2019) ## Previews and highlights The instructor feedback will now show in-browser previews for PDFS, Word documents and PowerPoint documents. These previews are then used to identify where in the document specific accessibility issues can be found. Highlights are currently provided for: • Images without an appropriate alternative description • Text fragments with insufficient contrast • Tables without table headings The instructor feedback for other accessibility issues will just show the content preview without highlights. This should make it significantly easier to identify issues in a document, and should help cut down remediation time dramatically. This feature is immediately available for all LMS integrations and the Ally for Web Community Manager integration, and should not require any updates. ## Bug fixes and improvements • Fixed a bug in the Ally for Websites integration that caused the CSV export for an individual (sub)domain to fail. • Hidden heading tags are now excluded from HTML accessibility checks. • Fixed a bug that caused headings to not be identified correctly in certain Word documents exported from Google Docs. • Fixed a bug that caused the language to be misidentified for Word documents that only contain tables. • Fixed a bug that caused a small number of “.docx” documents to be identified as “Malformed”. • Fixed an encoding issue that prevented certain HTML files exported from Word from being processed correctly.