February 27, 2025 (3:00 PM - 4:00 PM)
**Date**: Thursday 27 February 2025.
**Time**: 07:00 PST / 10:00 EST / 15:00 GMT / 16:00 CET / 18:00 TRT / 19:00 GST
**Duration**: 1 hour.
- [Confirm time in your time zone.](https://tinyurl.com/yncjc62s)
- [Sign up, submit questions in advance, and request a calendar appointment using this form.](https://forms.office.com/e/gEmbBFq1h1)
- [Join Online using Blackboard Collaborate](https://tinyurl.com/AllyUG).
# Resources
- [Slides: Advancing Accessibility in Higher Education: A Collaborative Approach](https://blackboard.soton.ac.uk/bbcswebdav/xid-31892465_1) (3.51 MB PowerPoint)
- [Slides: Is 'plus one' enough? Addressing accessibility challenges in legacy resources](https://blackboard.soton.ac.uk/bbcswebdav/xid-30059369_1) (6.5 MB PowerPoint)
# Summary
Ever wondered how to make digital accessibility less of a mountain to climb? Join us for an eye-opening event where our speakers from Tampa and Southampton share their secret weapons for institutional change and content transformation. Perfect for learning technologists and academic staff who want to turn accessibility challenges into wins - without needing a superhero cape.
# Agenda
1. Introduction.
2. Advancing Accessibility in Higher Education: A Collaborative Approach.
3. Is 'plus one' enough? Addressing accessibility challenges in legacy resources.
4. Community updates.
5. Any other business.
# Session synopses
## Advancing Accessibility in Higher Education: A Collaborative Approach
[irene sidede](mention:feb5e3a5-ed06-438a-bb49-58ab4c633784 "/u/isidede%40ut.edu/")**, Academic Accessibility Technologist, University of Tampa.**
“This presentation highlights key initiatives aimed at fostering accessible and inclusive learning environments in higher education. Participants will explore strategies to empower faculty through a combination of cohort collaborations, training programs, and personalized support.
Key Topics Include:
- **Faculty Cohorts:** Collaborative efforts with instructional designers to integrate inclusive design practices into Canvas courses and boost student motivation through interactive activities.
- **Academic Accessibility Course**: Introducing a mandatory course to equip faculty with foundational accessibility knowledge.
- **Course Reviews:** Regular semester reviews of faculty courses, with the goal of achieving an 80% accessibility compliance score to meet institutional standards.
- **Training Sessions:** Themed and engaging workshops on tools like ALLY and techniques for file remediation, using innovative themes such as "The Universe of Universal Design for Learning."
- **One-on-One Support:** Personalized sessions tailored to specific courses, offering a hands-on approach to accessibility challenges.
- **Reporting Structure:** Reporting out through newsletters and providing numbers, results and the accessible formats being used by students.
Through these initiatives, this presentation will showcase a roadmap for driving meaningful progress in accessibility across higher education institutions.”
## Is 'plus one' enough? Addressing accessibility challenges in legacy resources
**Anna Ruff, Learning Designer, University of Southampton.**
“Discover practical strategies for updating legacy learning resources, overcoming common accessibility challenges, and fostering sustainable content creation.
Learn how small, incremental changes can significantly improve user experience and accessibility, within real world constraints of time and resource.
This presentation will focus on legacy content created in Articulate Storyline.”
# Missed an earlier session or want to watch again?
If you missed a previous session, [all recordings and slide decks are available](https://tinyurl.com/AllyUserGroupSessions).\