May 23, 2024 (2:00 PM - 3:00 PM)
**Date**: Thursday 23 May 2024.
**Time**: 07:00 PDT / 10:00 EDT / 15:00 BST / 16:00 CEST / 17:00 TRT / 18:00 GST
**Duration**: 1 hour.
# Resources
* [Watch the recording \[60 minutes\]](
* [Transcript \[727 KB RTF\]](
* [Chat log \[15 KB Text file\]](
* [Captions \[495.7 KB VTT\]](
* [Chairs’ slides \[4.84 MB PowerPoint\]](
* [A baseline for inclusion? \[3.33 MB PowerPoint\]](
* [Accessibility THRIVES: Developing an acronym to raise awareness of key accessibility practices for digital content creation \[4.69 MB PowerPoint\]](
* [Developing accessible, inclusive, mobile-friendly Ultra courses \[2.61 MB PowerPoint\]](
# Summary
In May’s meeting of the International Ally User Group we are going to focus on aspects of accessibility and inclusive learning design with four ten-minute talks, followed by a panel question and answer session.
Join us for "Inclusive Bytes: four experiences of embedding accessibility and inclusivity in Higher Education"! Delve into contemporary approaches to embedding digital accessibility and inclusive design principles in university settings.
1. Introduction
2. Inclusive bytes: four experiences of embedding accessibility and inclusivity in Higher Education
1. A baseline for inclusion?
2. Accessibility THRIVES: Developing an acronym to raise awareness of key accessibility practices for digital content creation
3. Developing accessible, inclusive, mobile-friendly Ultra courses
4. The curious case of Freddie Meowcury
3. Community updates.
4. Any other business.
# Session synopses
## A baseline for inclusion?
**Dr Sarah Fielding, Team Manager: Digital Learning, University of Southampton**
The University of Southampton (UoS) has embarked on a three-year strategic project to migrate from Blackboard Original to Ultra.
This major change project is not a 'lift and shift' of content, but a rethink of our approach to the student experience.
I’m going to take you through our journey towards developing the UoS "Blackboard Universal Standards" and how we hope they will form a baseline for inclusive practice.
## Accessibility THRIVES: Developing an acronym to raise awareness of key accessibility practices for digital content creation
**Tracy Galvin - Lecturer in Higher Education Practice and Jen McParland - Lecturer in Higher Education Practice, Ulster University**
The creators of the "Accessibility THRIVES" acronym will discuss why they designed it as a mnemonic to support university staff in designing accessible digital content.
They will also highlight how the acronym complemented a toolkit they co-designed to promote inclusive and accessible teaching and learning ‘by design’, underpinned by Universal Design for Learning principles.
Finally, they will highlight how their decision to release it as an Open Educational Resource (OER) influenced other institutions to reuse and remix it for their own audiences.
## Developing accessible, inclusive, mobile-friendly Ultra courses
**Robert Farmer, Learning Technology Manager, University of Northampton**
Developing accessible, inclusive, mobile-friendly Ultra courses - As part of UON’s move to Ultra courses, the University’s Learning Technology Team were keen answer the question ‘What does a good Ultra course look like?’ by creating an exemplar Ultra course for our staff.
During this session, we’ll take you through our course, which won an Anthology Exemplary Course Award in 2023, outlining the ways we tried to make it accessible, inclusive, and mobile-friendly.
Attendees will be given access to an export of the exemplar course.
## The curious case of Freddie Meowcury
**Rachelle Emily Rawlinson, Senior Learning Designer, Durham University**
How does Universal Design for Learning, a pesky feline and a clutter of first year students lead to a more inclusive and playful experience of transitioning into university? \
This presentation will reveal the answer. \
Come along and find out more about Freddie, the pesky feline and chief trouble causer responsible for higher engagement in the Transition to Higher Education course at Durham University.\

Dave Hallam ·
Matthew Deeprose ·